Heirloom Tomato & Peaches Appetizer

One of my favorite things about food is eating fresh, local, organic ingredients. I love when a dish has just a few ingredients, and the flavor combination bursts in your mouth and you think “Whoa! This was the most simple dish, but it’s heavenly!” I totally feel that way about the peach and tomato combination. The sweetness of the fruits, the salty cheese, and the earthy basil make a combination that is both beautiful to look at, and eyes rolling back delicious. Couple of key points with this dish: finding fresh heirloom tomatoes, and perfectly ripened peaches. Once you’ve done that, you’re home free, baby! Then you cut your mozzarella and pluck your basil, whip up the dressing, and VOILÀ! Appetizer perfection. Your friends will probably oooh and aahhhh, so don’t let it go to your head. Let’s be honest, it is so easy, your kids could make it in about seven minutes. RUN, to the farmer’s market, get the fruit, because you can make this for your people tonight, or arrange it on your big platter and wow your friends at your next barbecue! (This one is for your more refined friends, save the redneck caviar for those B squad buddies!)


  • Peaches

  • Heirloom tomatoes

  • Sliced Mozzarella

  • Basil

    For the drizzle

  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/3 cup balsamic

  • 1/4 spicy mustard

  • 1 tsp horseradish (optional, if you like extra ZING!)


  1. Slice your peaches, tomatoes and mozzarella. Layer them in that order in a pattern pleasing to you, each with a basil leaf on top.

  2. Whisk together all the ingredients for the drizzle. Taste and add horseradish if desired.

  3. Serve with drizzle either poured on top, or with a spoon so each guest can add their desired amount. ENJOY!!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.


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