Perfect Oven Roasted Veggies

Do you love roasted vegetables? ME TOO! I like to eat them FRESH to death or as leftovers for breakfast or lunch. Side note: Andy and I saw a comedian once who said his girlfriend hated leftovers. She started meal prepping for the week and he said, “Damn! All you’re doing is eating leftovers all week!!” I died. Back to veggies: EAT THEM. Eat the rainbow. All the colors help you to get in a variety of nutrients. Try things you haven’t tried in a while, and maybe you’ll find it’s better than when you were a kid. We’re looking at you, Brussels. I have a friend who only likes beige colored foods. For Thanksgiving, he ate turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and rolls. He humored me by eating ONE of the Brussels Au Gratin I made. One. Just… one… sad… Brussel. And his tastebuds are TOTALLY MISSING OUT! One more note on NOT overcooking; some of you like them a little charred. I feel you. I love that crispy little fallen Brussel leaf more than chocolate chips. BUT, don’t char too much, please- keep them firm, not limp, to maintain nutrients and lessen carcinogens. Best to crowd them together close to avoid overcooking them.

Veggies, I love you. And I’ll try to make up for people who don’t. Will you marry me?

Love, Dodi


1 TBSP Avocado or Extra Virgin Olive Oil*

1 tsp coarse salt

1 tsp basil

1 tsp thyme

½ tsp garlic powder

½ pound Brussels sprouts halved or quartered

½ head cauliflower florets

½ red and yellow bell peppers chopped bite sized

½ head broccoli florets

2-3 carrots diced into coins

Any other veggies you’d like to add to the mix! Sweet potatoes, turnips, rutabaga, squash, cabbage, onions, zucchini, asparagus (just GO for it!)



1.     Preheat oven to 400 F.

2.     Toss veggies with oil and seasonings.

3.     Spread on a sheet pan and bake for 30 minutes, tossing halfway

4.     Serve immediately and enjoy! Leftovers are great with an egg on top for breakfast.

*add more if the veggies are still dry- or you can spray with a couple dashes of your preferred oil spray (I like Avocado oil spray!)

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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