COVID Adaptations That Need to Continue Long After the Pandemic Ends

by guest writer, Emma Grace Brown

Emma lives her life by her rules; and it works! When she's not snuggling puppies, Emma promotes female empowerment through her website. Her mission is to help those who live with self-doubt to realize they don't have to mold themselves to conventionality.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected every part of life in the United States and across the world. Many of these changes are starting to fade away. Whether you're waiting for life to return to "normal" or not, some COVID-19 adaptations need to stick around. Eating well and moving more is high up on that list, so join Box Canyon Bodies today to get moving!


Creating a Space at Home You Love

With lockdowns occurring in nearly every corner of the world, the global population has spent more time at home in the past two years than most people thought was possible. However, with everything from schools and workplaces to malls, restaurants, bars, and clubs shut down, staying home wasn't an option—it was the only choice. 

These lifestyle changes have taught people that nothing is more important than having a comfortable and peaceful place to live. Whether you're in your living room or bedroom, you should feel you're at home and not just somewhere you sleep and spend time when you're not working or out enjoying life.

Helping Neighbors and Building a Better Community

One of the most significant changes brought on by COVID is the return to community living. In a global economy, there were few places where people could experience a level of intimacy before the pandemic. Now more than ever, neighbors are like family. Whether sharing food or checking in on someone in the next apartment or down the block, people are helping each other as a community more than they have in a long time.

Supporting Local Businesses

For the past two years, local businesses have been hit hard. Affecting everything from family-owned diners to independent clothing shops, lockdowns and the rise of online sales have decimated small business owners. Now that COVID is near the end, it's up to communities to rally behind local companies and help them recover and thrive.

Shifting Career and Life Goals

COVID-19 brought a major shift in entrepreneurship. Many businesses closed permanently. However, more than 4.4 million new companies launched in 2020, an increase of nearly 25% from 2019. People realize that life is too short and precious not to do what they love. In addition to helping individuals live their dream and improve their happiness, these start-ups create jobs and change the world.

Now's the time to change your life, expand your business know-how, and take control with an LLC. A limited liability company is ideal for protecting your business and personal assets. Additionally, you can save on taxes when choosing an LLC.

Connecting With Nature

There are few things more important than nature. COVID-19 changed the way people eat, shop, and socialize and reminded them of the joy of spending more time outside.

While it's not always easy to get outside in the dead of winter when it's dark when you leave for work and dark again before you go to bed, an hour a day where you can soak up the sun or breathe in fresh air can make all the difference in your day.

A Return to Community Life

Although COVID-19 restrictions led to isolation for millions of people worldwide, they also brought back a sense of community that's been missing in the age of technology. While many people are excited to see these life adaptations leave, some need to stick around.

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

Chakras Part I


Habit Building, Part 3