Friday Flaunt: What's The Point?!

Most women are not comfortable talking about themselves. The unwillingness to step into the spotlight is a deep sociological conditioning that we have bought into, that shining light on one’s own accomplishment is unattractive, self-serving, or brash. Women have been conditioned to believe that men are the ones who deserve to be celebrated, chosen, and in the spotlight.

Is this true?

Here is the truth: EVERY woman has a superpower. She is built with a unique set of gifts that no other person shares. Some may be similar, but no two sets of powers are exactly the same. Your education, upbringing, and unique sets of desires and experiences combines to make our gifts and strengths unique to only YOU. 

Guess what’s true about sharing your accomplishments? When another woman hears or reads about what you’ve done, she thinks: “If she can do it, then I can too!”

This is why I brought about the FRIDAY FLAUNT! This is why sharing our wins is so important. It’s not just to promote yourselves, ladies. It’s to inspire those around you. When you share your accomplishments, it raises everyone’s frequency, energy, and happiness. Think about it, your bestie walks in and says, “I got the job!” Aren’t you elated for her? When your sister calls and says, “The producer loved my screenplay!” Don’t you squeal with delight? 

Sharing your progress can result in more praise. This positive reinforcement from those around you can motive you forward to further your accomplishments and continue to excel. When you feel this reward, you want more, therefore motivating us to strive toward more and larger goals. Sharing can also provide a sense of meaning. When others read the post about your accomplishments, hearing “well done” or “your work changed my life” reminds you the why behind what you are trying to do. This propels you to keep moving forward. Sharing your progress enhances our social connection; we are hard-wired to connect with each other.

It is important to get comfortable sharing your successes. Feeling worthy of what you are sharing and have accomplished enables you to talk about your performance in a productive way. Being mentally strong enables you to keep striving for more.

Here are some ways to flaunt those good things while remaining humble, for the good of all women.

1. Emphasize the hard work you’ve done. 

Listeners respect triumph when you have put in work and effort. Shine the light on the work it took to accomplish your goal.

2. Give credit where it is due. 

Did your team help you get there? Did your husband provide support with dinners and childcare and cheerleading? 

3. Be grateful. 

Expressing gratitude shows you are deeply rooted and more relatable. Thank your company, or your supporters for helping you achieve the good fortune of the opportunity. 

4. State the facts. 

Leave out “I am so awesome because…” and change your verbiage to “Our sales have doubled.” This allows people to come to their own conclusions about how your work led to the progress stated.

5. Do not add a qualifier.

No need to add “I hate to brag, but…” This just draws attention to your discomfort with your success. Simply state, “I am so excited to share that I hit my goal!” 

Let the flaunts fly ladies! We need to hear the good things you are doing so we can stay motivated and keep going. Your accomplishments remind us WE CAN TOO and help us to feel connected to you. So great job! Keep up the good work! You are amazing! Let your light SHINE for all of us!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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