How to Beat the ‘Sunday Scaries’ and Enjoy Your Whole Weekend

Have you ever experienced a feeling of dread before the beginning of a new work week? If so, you’re not alone! The “Sunday scaries” are a form of anticipatory anxiety that tend to show up when we’re nervous about the week ahead. This feeling of nervousness can make it tough to enjoy your Sunday and reap the benefits of a relaxing break from work. Thankfully, we’ve assembled some great resources to help you relieve the Sunday scaries and take back your weekend!


Find Stress Relief Through Exercise

Exercise has been shown to relieve both short-term and chronic stress. When you feel that Sunday afternoon anxiety kick in, get moving!

●      Looking for motivation to exercise? Invest in a smartwatch to track your progress and jazz it up!

●      Try running, walking, yoga, or playing team sports on the weekend to burn off energy and relieve stress.

●      You could also follow along with live workouts from Box Canyon Bodies in your living room!

●      If you want to take it easy, go for a walk through the forest and enjoy the stress-busting benefits of forest bathing.


Make Sundays Enjoyable

Instead of spending your Sunday tackling household chores and planning your workweek, dedicate the day to self-care.

●      Tackle all of your chores and errands during the week so you can have Sunday free.

●      Dedicate Sunday to relaxing and enjoyable activities that help you reset before the work week begins.

●      On Friday, spend some time planning your priorities for the next week so you don’t have to spend your Sunday thinking about work.

●      Don’t check your work email or respond to work-related texts over the weekend.

Find Better Work-Life Balance

Whether it means talking to your boss or making a career change, think about how you could fix a job-related issue that’s causing you to dread the upcoming week.

●      Learn how to say “no” to extra projects and responsibilities when your plate is already full.

●      Avoid making excuses for your success and try to internalize your achievements — this is a great way to stop imposter syndrome.

●      If you downright dislike your job, consider making a career change so you can work in a role that you enjoy.

Don’t let the Sunday scaries rob you of your weekend. There are so many things you can do to relieve anxiety about the upcoming week so you can make the most of your precious days off. Sweat out the stress with some exercise, unwind with a relaxing self-care routine, or talk to your boss about reducing your workload. Do what you can to feel prepared and relaxed when Monday rolls around!

Of course, nothing beats a good workout when it comes to stress relief. Sign up for a Box Canyon Bodies membership to access live and recorded workouts from the comfort of home!

Elena Stewart is a certified life coach who specializes in the teachings of Brené Brown, Danielle LaPorte, and Marie Forleo. She successfully transitioned from the corporate world to running her own business, and she now helps others achieve their career goals and dreams.

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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