Tips for Making Life Easier

If you’ve been following BCB content long, you may notice I’ve been focusing on shifts to my perspective and making my life deeper, more connected, and easier. I’ve surrendered trying to force the move into a new mountain home. I’ve stopped resisting change and started to serve more in my new community to open my heart to loving the people here more. And with this latest retreat to Scottsdale, my mantra has been, “I am only going to plan this Wellness Retreat if it all easily falls into place.” And you better bet your sweet peaches it HAS!

One of the authors and spiritual guides I’ve connected with is Gabby Bernstein. A friend and I recently completed 21 days of meditation with her guidance. I love opening my heart to a deeper connection with God. Learning to live in the flow, stop resisting, and being open to what God wants for my life is making my life exciting, fun, and EASIER. Life is hard. Let’s explore ways to make it easier!

Here are ten of Gabby’s teachings that I’ve been clinging to that are making my life EASIER:

1.     Repeat Affirmations- Sound familiar? You’re probably hearing this again from me, but know this: the important part is not just reading or saying the affirmation, it’s feeling it in your body- the truth of what you’re saying. That makes affirmations truly powerful and effective.

2.     Undo Old Beliefs- This is huge. I had parents who worked their whole lives and still struggled, so it became engrained in me that money doesn’t come easy. This is just one of many around money, along with “money is the root of all evil”, and “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Money also enables us to see more of the world, help out people in need, feed our kids and keep clothed and sheltered. And it’s paper….

3.     Stop Forcing & Controlling and Allow Flow- Having volatility in my childhood caused me to grip firmly onto being in control of life and surroundings. I can’t express the freedom I have found in giving up that control, and being in alignment with what is going on around me, and specifically for me. Relinquishing control is a decision I have to remind myself of often, but when I really step into allowing the good to come, no longer forcing what I want, it’s even better than I imagined!

4.     Watch your Words- This is still in progress, but I’m practicing catching myself in a negative expression. I am working on changing my, “I have to…” to “I get to…” and it makes a shift in my brain’s perspective. We should completely drop complaints forever, but that one takes some time and hard work! Andy and I use the word “moljnir” (it means Thor’s hammer) to gently point out when the other is complaining. Get a code word to bring awareness to complaining.

5.     Appreciate More and Feel Gratitude & Abundance- Many of us have gratitude practices, but are you concentrating on the good feelings that gratitude gives you? Key step. Find a way to remind yourself to feel gratitude, appreciation and abundance more often. Especially if you catch yourself in worry or fear, gratitude is the antidote to low-vibe feelings!

6.     Have More Fun- Let’s fully immerse ourselves in seeking more FUN! A friend mine suggested making a “joy list.” This is a list of the things that bring more joy into my life. I keep it on my fridge to check in with myself so that I don’t get too work & chore focused, and to bring some lightness, giggles, and connection with my family into the day. The joy list gives abundant LIFE when practiced.

7.     Release the Small Stuff- Have you ever sweated a situation where someone felt differently about politics, masking, or vaccines? Or lighter stuff like dog breeds, sports teams, and pizza toppings? Guess what, it’s ALL SMALL STUFF. I read a quote that said, “Your capacity to allow people to live a truth opposite to yours, without shutting off your compassion for them, is a reflection of how powerful your love is.” Always, choose love, acceptance and gentle curiosity.

8.     Ask for Help- This can be done literally or spiritually. Need help getting your kids to school? Ask your neighbor. People want to help when they can. Need help making a major life decision? Ask your inner mentor or higher self. Ask your spiritual guides or angels- maybe a parent or grandparent you’ve lost. Pray and ask God. Pause and take deep, cleansing breaths for a minute or more, feel yourself grounded, and ask for divine guidance from the source that feels right to you.

9.     Do Less and Do it Better- As you relax and meditate and are open to guidance, you can act from a place of faith and clarity. Be willing to let go of some things you may be doing- even if they are good things- in order to do less but with excellence. Putting your whole heart into less, frees you up to give your best to those smaller number of tasks.

10.  Have Faith- Simply live in the energetic feeling that it is all going to work out, and it will. Anticipate the good that’s coming your way. Get excited about it. Use prayer, affirmations, your joy list to get you feeling faithful expectation. Have patience. Drop those battles of being “right” so you can be happy. Let joy flow through you and know everything is unfolding just as it should.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for making life easier. Let me know if there is another tip that you would add to the list that has made a big shift in creating an easier life for YOU!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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