Curry Chicken Salad

There are a few convenience items I get sucked into at the grocery store. One of them: pre-made chicken salad or tuna salad. Before you judge and tell me I’m lazy, let me say it first. I’m lazy. Where there might be an easy button (I’m looking at you frozen cauliflower rice!) I SLAM it. I can be hauling out the food processor EVERY TIME I want some cauliflower rice. That sh*t gets everywhere. I like my easy buttons. However, when my easy button item includes ingredients like canola oil, or too many raisins, I get my DOER, Enneagram 3 butt in gear and (sometimes) make it from scratch. I love chicken. I love chicken salad. And I love curry. TJ’s has a curry chicken salad that I like a lot, BUT, there’s not one bite of celery. WHAT? No celery? Yep. And no celery equals no crunch. What a letdown. And it’s a little more “wet” than I like it. Here’s my recipe for not-so-lazy curry chicken salad. Put it on some crackers, a piece of toast, or just over arugula with lemon juice (personal fave.) If you don’t always make it from scratch, no judgment from me on banging down on that easy button. But when you need that avocado oil based mayo in your dish, get in the kitchen and start chopping!


  • 1 rotisserie chicken, peeled, cut bite-sized or 4 cups cooked chicken breasts, cubed

  • 1/3 cup avocado oil mayo (I love Primal Kitchen)

  • 4 stalks of celery, diced

  • 1/4 cup raisins

  • 1/4 cup cashews, roughly chopped

  • 1/3 cup shredded carrots

  • 2 tablespoons curry powder

  • 1/2 teaspoons salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric

  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

  • cracked black pepper

  • cilantro to taste, roughly chopped


1.     Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl.

2.     Chill for an hour or more.

3.     Serve and enjoy!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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