Stress is an inevitable part of life. When the total amount of stress you experience exceeds your ability to cope with it, stress wreaks havoc on your health. Stress management can be a difficult change to make. With small tweaks and adjustments, you can give yourself the time you need to cope and heal from the damage stress does to our bodies and minds.

Some ways to minimize the impact of stress include:

Reduction in exposure to physiological or psychological stress
Mitigate the harmful effects of the stress you can’t avoid

Breathing techniques for handling stress daily
Adopt strategies for stress management

Bodies will provide you with tools and resources to reduce the amount of stress you experience, assist you in changing thought patterns and perceptions of stress, find options for stress management that work for you and your life, and of course, help you make SLEEP a priority. Movement, light exposure, nutrition, stimulant consumption, meditation practice, outdoor time and play (yes, PLAY!) all play an important role in stress management. We will give you what you need to make small changes that will give your stress load a big overhaul.

TRUTH: I used to hold on to my stress so hard until I had to eat a whole pie to let that ish go. My body was like a box of rocks. I found meditation and it moved the needle for me. I want to walk with you through learning how to find more zen in your life.

Well Played Wellness Well Played Wellness

The Road to an Embodied Spirit

This blog shares my personal journey of finding myself disconnected from my body. I explain how I found the tools and practices that brought me back into a loving, compassionate relationship with myself. These tools have created new neural pathways to offer a greater sense of mindfulness and less performance-driven anxiety, so I can show up as a better wife, mother, and friend, even to myself.

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Well Played Wellness Well Played Wellness

A Healing Reset Retreat

I recently hosted another Women’s Wellness Retreat in Scottsdale, AZ. As I look back at what we experienced, the expressions that participants shared, and what each of us are taking home with us, several important truths surface around the practices that healed us.

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Well Played Wellness Well Played Wellness

Learning to Surrender

Learning to surrender has been a challenging process. I can finally say with utter honesty in my heart and my head: I am OK if we do or do not live in that house. And life is so much easier now! I feel FREE. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I TRUST in whatever the outcome is! Here are the steps that helped me on my journey to surrender.

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Well Played Wellness Well Played Wellness

How to Dig Yourself Out of a Funk

Before you do ANYTHING, let yourself GO THERE emotionally. This can be challenging for some of us as we like to steer clear of the emotions we don’t want to feel. But sitting, feeling the funk, letting yourself be sad/down/funked diminishes those hard feelings. We simply have to ride that wave of emotion without fighting it. It acknowledges our humanity and that life isn’t always cheerful.

Only once we have properly felt those challenging emotions we begin to do the things that we know make us feel better. Here are a few of those that, when done regularly, can make a huge impact on our happiness quotient.

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Well Played Wellness Well Played Wellness

8 Tips for How to Trust Yourself Deeply

We all have access to this part of ourselves that helps to develop the muscle of trusting the guiding voice within. The inner mentor is one tool that can help us to find our voice, stand in our power, and trust that we can reach our goals, even when we make mistakes.

The following are 8 ways to develop a deeper level of self-trust.

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